Coming Together
Growing Together
Coming Together Growing Together is a collaborative project between Eagle Heart Centre and SCEP CENTRE Early Intervention and Training Services. It is a voluntary community based service providing guidance and support to children and their families.
The program has a special focus on improving the communication and relationship between parent and child, and helping the parents more effectively manage their child's behavior.

What does the program provide?
Comprehensive case planning designed to meet individual needs of the child and family.
A variety of individual, group and family approaches suitable to meet the needs of the child and family.
Case management, a therapeutic support and advocacy for child success at home, school and in the community.
Opportunities for child achievement and decision-making
Planning to reduce crisis and increase safety for the child and family.
Children and their families are referred to this program by the Ministry of Social Services.
The children must be ages 2 to 5 and families must have existing involvement with the Ministry.