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SCEP CENTRE Children's Program

SCEP CENTRE's regular  program runs from September to June of each year and provides therapeutic group sessions for pre-schoolers. 


SCEP's staff are thoroughly trained in SCEP CENTRE's methods.  These methods are based on the philosophy that children should be helped to become mature citizens, that is, to act confidently, making well-informed decisions with due regard to their own needs and to the rights and needs of others.  This is to be achieved by an emphasis on reciprocal, honest communication between children and adults, and adult models of responsibility, dependability, planning, sincerity and affection.


Hear From SCEP Parents

"It makes me feel good as a parent that they were willing to help me. I knew my son was in good hands."

Summer Friends Program

SCEP's Summer Friends is a program offered during July and August to children currently enrolled in SCEP CENTRE. This program provides respite for families over the summer months.  It also provides some continuity in SCEP's therapeutic work over the summer.  The children greatly enjoy the recreational and educational activities.


Hear From SCEP Staff

"This experience made it evident to me how essential special programs such as SCEP are in the lives of these children and families."

Coming Together
Growing Together

Coming Together Growing Together is a collaborative project between Eagle Heart Centre and SCEP CENTRE Early Intervention and Training Services. It is a voluntary community based service providing guidance and support to children and their families.

The program has a special focus on improving the communication and relationship between parent and child, and helping the parents more effectively manage their child's behavior.


Hear From Childcare Centre Staff

"There are many children currently in (child) care that could benefit from SCEP's program. In fact all children could benefit from spending time at SCEP. Your emphasis on social and emotional development is one of the least planned for, yet most important areas of development in a young child. That is why the "Day Care Friends project is so wonderful."

Other Services

Education/Training For the Community

  • practicum and volunteer placements

  • workshops/seminars/speakers, based on availability 

  • active involvement in new initiatives

  • briefs to government on relevant topics


Specialized Assistance for Adoptions and Foster Care Placements

  • support to foster family, birth family and adoptive family (when child is enrolled at SCEP CENTRE)

  • provide neutral supportive environment for visits


Consultation and Training for Child Care Centres and Preschools

  • consultation and support by phone or  in-person, based on availability

  • workshops for child care staff, based on availability

See Current Workshop Fees HERE


How Do I Access SCEP Services?

Parents can contact SCEP directly and/or other agencies/professionals can make referrals. The next step is to hold an intake interview which always includes parents/caregivers and the child. To book an appointment, call (306) 543-6944 or email:

What is the Cost of SCEP Services?

SCEP is a fee for service program. Staff make every effort to assist families in obtaining funding for fees. Fees may be available through the Ministry of Social Services (MSS) or school boards. On occasion scholarship funds may be available or fees may be waived.


How do I know if my Child Needs Help?

These may be some of the difficulties:

  • Seems intelligent but talks very poorly or not at all

  • Does not have age appropriate communication skills

  • Will not listen to parents or teachers

  • Shows no affection

  • Is unusually aggressive to other children and adults and may become a danger to self and others

  • Cannot get along in preschool, daycare or kindergarten

  • Is disorganized and constantly on the move

  • Is exceptionally shy and clinging

  • Is suffering from trauma or abuse

  • Has tantrums which control or disrupt the rest of the family or classroom

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